Throughout the semester, I liked how we examined several different types of garden art and styles. The different features within them made the different styles unique and easy to remember. I think that my personal favorite were the Victorian style country gardens.This was known as the "Arts and Crafts Garden". This was a new fashion and style of gardens created through Gertrude Jekyll and Edward Lutyens. This style was named to be to the Art and Crafts movement which was meant to express romantic and folk styles of decoration. I loved the quaint and charming essence about them that separated them from the older more grand scale medieval gardens of the early to mid 1800's.
The content of these gardens provided them with unique style and originality. One of these features was the country cottage plants. These plants were close to the house and also bedded around the house in a unique way. Lutyens created and designed the overall layout ad structure of the garden while Gertrude completed the plant layout and contents in the garden. Her bedding skills were phenomenal. Their work together was impeccable and quite originally making it nearly impossible for any other artist to replicate. The architectural features such as the terraces, steps, detailed walks, walls and water features were sharp touches to the garden. However, Gertrude softened these touches with the detailed and intricate low bedding arrangements within the garden. It helped to merge the house and the garden together as one which resulted in a beautiful scenic landscape.
I enjoyed this garden for its originality and unique features when compared to other gardens. I also love flower gardens over lots of shrubbery and tall tree gardens. After taking this class I have learned that informal gardens are far more appealing to me than formal gardens.